Tips for fertilizing an efeutute

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Properly Fertilize Your Pothos Plant (Epipremnum aureum)
Video: How to Properly Fertilize Your Pothos Plant (Epipremnum aureum)


Every two to three weeks, the fertilizers should receive liquid fertilizers

Tips for fertilizing an efeutute

Property owners enjoy great popularity as houseplants not only in the home, but also in offices and reception rooms. The care of the tropical plant is not expensive. In addition to fertilizing, only regular watering and tying the tendrils are required. How to fertilize an effigy.

How often does an efeutute have to be fertilized?

Efeutut grow rather quickly, but have only a medium need of nutrients. Fertilize an ivy at intervals of two to three weeks. When using fertilizer sticks, you must fertilize at most every three months.

Which fertilizer is suitable for fertilizers?

To fertilize, use a commercially available liquid fertilizer, which you add to the irrigation water. If you have an aquarium or a pond, you can use the pond or aquarium water for fertilization.

Pull the hydrofluids into hydroponic culture, buy special hydroponic fertilizer. Another option is fertilizer sticks, which act like long-term fertilizers and only have to be renewed every three months or even less frequently.

Follow the manufacturer's instructions. It is better to use less fertilizer than recommended to avoid overfertilising the insects.

Do not fertilize immediately after repotting

After transplanting, fertilizers may not be fertilized at first. In fresh plant substrate sufficient nutrients are present to supply the fertilizers.

Only after several months you can give some fertilizer again.

If you transplant the eggs every year, you can do without fertilizing.

In winter, people are not fertilized

Fertility is only fertilized during the growth phase. It lasts from March to October. In the winter season from November to February the fertilizer is not fertilized. During this time she gets less water.


Individuals do not raise themselves by means of their air roots on trellises. You must tie the tendrils or fasten them with clips. The staples should not be too tight, as the insects otherwise get yellow leaves and can enter the tendrils.