In indoor culture, the Efeutute does not develop flowering

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Efeutute Aquarium Pothos roots in Tank (Epipremnum aureum) Nitrat Phosphat killer
Video: Efeutute Aquarium Pothos roots in Tank (Epipremnum aureum) Nitrat Phosphat killer


The effigy does not bloom in the room

In indoor culture, the Efeutute does not develop flowering

In its homeland in the tropics the Efeutute bears blossoms, which like all arum plants consist of a piston and petals. In indoor culture, efeuteuters almost never develop a flower. They are therefore kept exclusively because of their variegated leaves.

Efeutute as a houseplant does not bloom

In our latitudes, the efeutute can only be kept as a houseplant. It does not tolerate any low temperatures and the lighting conditions are not always optimal in the room.

In room culture, the Efeutute therefore does not develop flowers that would be rather inconspicuous anyway.

Effectors are therefore drawn because of their decorative foliage. The leaves are heart-shaped and have a green base color, which are variegated depending on the variety with white or yellow spots.


Since effinites do not flower in our latitudes, they also do not develop seeds from which to grow offshoots. But an Efeutute can be easily multiplied from cuttings.