Ivy dries - causes of dry leaves

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
How to fix brown leave on Ivy plant | What wrong with my plant❓❓
Video: How to fix brown leave on Ivy plant | What wrong with my plant❓❓


Drought is not always responsible when the ivy dries up

Ivy dries - causes of dry leaves

When the ivy gets lots of dry leaves, most plant lovers assume that they need to water more. However, other causes may be responsible for the ivy drying up. Is it possible to save dried ivy?

Causes of withered ivy

Ivy constantly needs slightly moist soil, but does not tolerate waterlogging at all. If ivy dries up, you either forgot to water it or you gave too much water.

When waterlogged, the roots are in the water and rotten. As a result, they can no longer absorb nutrients and moisture, causing the leaves to dry up.

Water ivy properly - even in winter

Water ivy whenever the surface of the earth is dry - in the room as well as in the garden.

It is better not to place ivy in a pot in a saucer or planter, so that excess water can always drain off immediately.

Outside, ivy needs plenty of moisture even in winter. Water on frost-free days, especially when the winter is very dry. If many dry leaves show up in the spring, this is usually a sign that the plant has not gotten enough water.

Dried ivy by pests

Some pests such as scale insects suck up the leaf fluid. Therefore combat pests in time.

In ivy in the garden, the larvae of black weevils and cockchafer may be responsible for the drying up of the ivy. They eat the roots, so that they can no longer draw water.

Rescue dried ivy

If ivy in the pot has dried, you can try to put the pot in a water bath for some time. Once the soil has become soaked, remove the ivy and drain it. Dried shoots cut off.

In case of too much wetness you should repot the ivy in fresh soil. Check first if the roots are still healthy. With rotten roots, the plant is beyond saving.


Zimmerefeu suffers in the winter under too dry heating air. Spray the plant more often with water and set up a few bowls of water. In addition to heaters you should generally not care for ivy.