The ivy turns red - why does Ivy change color?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dr. Pamela Isley turns into Poison Ivy | Batman & Robin
Video: Dr. Pamela Isley turns into Poison Ivy | Batman & Robin


In autumn, ivy often turns red

The ivy turns red - why does Ivy change color?

Basically it can be said that there are no ivy varieties with red leaves. The climber carries only green leaves, which are dark or light depending on the variety and location, or are variegated white or yellow. When ivy turns red, it is always a leaf discoloration.

Why does ivy turn red?

The redness of ivy usually has a very natural cause, which is usually not harmful. Often the red leaves show up before the winter. In this case, leaf staining indicates that the variety is particularly hardy. Sometimes the red color is caused by the location, rarely by nutrient deficiency:

Ivy likes shady rather than sunny. In strong sunlight he gets even in summer red leaves. Whether the sun is responsible for the discoloration, see that the leaves of the plant, which are awake in the shade, are still green.

If the redness of the leaves is triggered by nutrient deficiencies, you should improve the soil with compost. It may also be advisable to administer a commercial long-term fertilizer in the spring.

What causes the red color?

Like all plants, ivy also contains certain dyes, which provide, for example, the green or variegated leaf color. In the ivy other dyes are included, which belong to the class of anthocyanins.

Under certain conditions - such as when temperatures drop - these dyes combine with sugar molecules: the leaves turn red.

The same dyes also ensure that the fruits of ivy from initial green turn dark purple or black during the garden year.

Ivy species getting red leaves

Not all ivy varieties get red leaves. If you want your ivy to turn red in the fall, then you should choose varieties such as:


If the leaves of ivy turn brown or yellow or even fall off, they are almost exclusively nursing mistakes. Most are poured too often. Only occasionally are fungal infestations or pests responsible for the discoloration of the ivy leaves.