Fungal attack on the ivy - What to do?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Make Home-made Fungicide to Control Powdery Mildew | e URBAN ORGANIC GARDEN
Video: How to Make Home-made Fungicide to Control Powdery Mildew | e URBAN ORGANIC GARDEN


Mushroom-infested plant parts should be removed

Fungal attack on the ivy - What to do?

Ivy is generally a robust plant that rarely suffers from disease. In an unfavorable location in the garden, however, can also occur fungal diseases that not only look ugly, but additionally weaken the ivy. What you can do with fungal infestation.

Recognize fungal attack on the ivy

Two fungal diseases are causing problems for the ivy: the burn spot disease and the ivy cancer. Both are characterized by a specific damage pattern.

The focal spot disease (Colletotrichum trichellum) can be recognized by the fact that gray and brown spots appear on the leaves. In addition, small surveys form. The leaves usually do not fall off.

In ivy crustaceans (Xanthomonas campestris pv. Hederae), the leaves get small spots at first. They turn black and larger and finally have a reddish-brown edge. The stains dry up and fall off.

Fighting fungus on the ivy

Collect all fallen leaves carefully. Dispose of them with the cut remnants through the green waste collection or even better with the normal household waste. Do not leave the ivy in the garden for a long time.

In case of a very strong fungal attack, you should consider pulling out the ivy completely. In addition, the trade holds effective fungicides ready to use as directed.

Prevent fungal attack

You can prevent a fungal infection by properly caring for the ivy. Avoid watering the climbing plant from above. The best time to water is in the morning until noon. Then the leaves have enough time during the day to dry properly.

Shed the ivy regularly. This air gets to the leaves, so that they are not too moist.

When cutting and maintaining ivy, always use previously cleaned garden tools. The fungal spores are transmitted by unclean cutting. Then clean the equipment thoroughly so that you do not infect other plants.


In the house, fungal infection on the ivy rarely occurs. Here it comes in the winter more often to pest infestation. Ensure sufficient humidity in the room.