Gundermann and Ivy - differences and similarities

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
GIRLS VS BOYS IN REAL LIFE || Differences And Funny Situations By AVOCADO GIRLS
Video: GIRLS VS BOYS IN REAL LIFE || Differences And Funny Situations By AVOCADO GIRLS


Ivy and Gundermann are on a closer look hardly similar

Gundermann and Ivy - differences and similarities

Gundermann or Gundelrebe is often referred to as ivy Gundermann and offered in the trade. The name is due to the similarity of the leaves. There are some similarities between the two plants, but also some differences.

Similarities and differences to ivy

Gundermann is a small creeping plant that proliferates on foothills on the ground. Ivy is a subshrub that also spreads through tendrils on the ground, but also rises on walls and trees.

Gundermann may safely pick you. For ivy, you should be careful and do not let the leaves on the bare skin. The leaves contain falcarinol, which can cause allergic reactions in sensitive people.

Use as a medicinal plant

Gundel grape and ivy have been used as medicinal plants for centuries. However, as ivy is poisonous, natural remedies for oral use should only be bought in the pharmacy and not self-made.

Gundermann is used in alternative medicine in:

Ivy is considered a remedy for:

Both Gundermann and Ivy as a remedy have been scientifically studied. A healing effect could be detected.

Gundermann is edible

The leaves of Gundermann are edible. They even contain a large amount of vitamin C and are therefore often used for spring salads. They should be used but only sparsely because of the slightly bitter taste.

Ivy, however, is poisonous in all parts of plants. The fruits in particular contain many saponins that cause severe nausea and other symptoms of intoxication. The proportion of poison is not very high, but the leaves, flowers and fruits must not be consumed under any circumstances.

For animals, ivy and Gundermann are equally unlikely or even poisonous. Both plants should therefore be kept away from meadows and pastures.

Ivy Gundermann not always popular in the garden

Both Gundelrebe and Ivy are very robust plants that can cope well with sunny and shady locations. Both prefer a slightly moist soil and also spread when the ground is heavily compacted.

Both plants are very fast growing and form long tendrils. They are therefore gladly planted on walls or in shady garden areas where hardly anything grows.

However, care should be taken when planting Gundermann in the garden as the herb spreads very much. Once settled in the garden, it is difficult to combat, because on the long tendrils, many new small plants form. Ivy, on the other hand, can be easily taken off and kept in check by cutting back.


Although Ivy Gundermann or Gundel vine is not very popular in the garden, the herb is ecologically valuable. The pretty purple flowers are a good bee pasture in spring. They attract bumblebees and bees in droves.