Fertilize ivy - In the garden and as a houseplant

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
English Ivy Plant Care | Hedera Helix Vines | Ivy Houseplants
Video: English Ivy Plant Care | Hedera Helix Vines | Ivy Houseplants


Ivy in a pot is happy about regular fertilizers

Fertilize ivy - In the garden and as a houseplant

If you pull ivy in the garden as a ground cover or as a climbing plant on walls or fences, fertilization is usually not necessary. It is different if you consider ivy as a houseplant. Here, ivy needs extra nutrients to thrive.

Fertilize ivy in the garden - necessary or not?

While ivy is the ideal ornamental plant for some gardeners to green the dark corner or create a dense screen at the fence, others count the climbing plant among the weeds. The ghosts also decide on the question of whether ivy in the garden must be fertilized at all.

At a favorable location, which is humid but without waterlogging, ivy grows by itself and needs no extra nutrients.

However, fertilizer can not do any damage if you accept that the climbing plant grows even more abundantly and spreads faster. Fertilization takes place exclusively from mid-March to the end of July. Later you should stop fertilizing.

Fertilizer for ivy in the garden

If you would like to supply ivy in the garden with fertilizer, the following types of fertilizer are available:

You simply distribute compost between the tendrils in the spring. This also applies to blue grain and horn shavings. As a liquid fertilizer, use a commercially available shrub or hedge fertilizer.

When adding liquid fertilizer, make sure that you never exceed the quantity specifications. Fertilize on a cloudy day. In direct sunlight, the leaves burn. After fertilizing, you should treat the ivy with an additional water shower, so that the fertilizer spreads better.

So you fertilize ivy as a houseplant

Ivy thrives in the garden better than in the room. In order for the plant to grow well in the pot, occasional fertilizer applications are advisable.

During the growth phase from March to August, fertilize the ivy with a commercial liquid fertilizer every two weeks. Take less fertilizer than indicated on the package.


Ivy as a houseplant should be put into fresh soil every year. After repotting you do not need to fertilize the plant for several weeks.