Plant Alpine edelweiss in your home garden

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Gardening Tips : Growing Edelweiss Flowers
Video: Gardening Tips : Growing Edelweiss Flowers


Edelweiss is undemanding and thrives well on lean soil

Plant Alpine edelweiss in your home garden

The symbolic edelweiss was so endangered as early as the 19th century that the alpine plant was already under protection in 1886 and at times was heavily guarded during its heyday. Even today, the small perennial with the interesting flowers in their wild stocks is considered to be at risk. Fortunately, there are breeding forms that you can plant safely in the garden.

Edelweiß needs little care

Which location prefers edelweiss?

The plant needs it as bright and sunny as possible. Please do not plant under a shade dispenser, otherwise it will come in.

In which substrate does Edelweiss thrive best?

With regard to the soil conditions Edelweiss is absolutely undemanding and thrives very well on barren, stony or sandy soils and even on gravel. The substrate should only be well drained, because waterlogging does not tolerate the plant at all.

Is Edelweiss suitable for the rock garden?

Because of its unpretentiousness Edelweiss is wonderful for the rock garden.

How is Edelweiss planted?

Container plants are first removed from the pot to then dip the root ball into a bucket of water. Plant the perennial into a planting hole approximately twice the diameter of the root ball. Be careful not to put the plant deeper than in the pot. A soil improvement with compost etc. is not necessary.

At what point should Edelweiss be planted?

Basically, container plants can be transplanted throughout the growing season. However, the best time to put edelweiss in the garden is early spring. However, late frosts should not be expected at this time.

Which planting distance should I comply with?

Place the individual plantlets at a distance of about 10 to 15 centimeters. In the outdoors, edelweiss grows especially where other plants leave it a lot of space and also occurs mostly individually.

When does Edelweiss blossom?

The cultivated edelweiss for the garden flowers, depending on the variety, between June and September.

How can I multiply Edelweiss shrubs?

Edelweiss is propagated by seeds. Older perennials can be rejuvenated by division.

Good neighbors / bad neighbors

In the rock garden, Alpen-Edelweiss is well suited to shrubs such as thyme, stonecrop, gentian or upholstery phlox.

Tips & Tricks

Cut the flowers of Edelweiss before they have withered. They can be wonderfully processed into a dry bouquet.