Real lavender only partially hardy

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
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Real lavender comes with temperatures down to -15 ° C

Real lavender only partially hardy

Originally, the blue-violet flowered Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) originates from the Mediterranean climate, where it is perfectly adapted to mild temperatures and high drought. Nevertheless, the medicinal plant, especially in comparison to other types of lavender, is considered hardy - but not in all regions and in all weather conditions. The plants are usually not the low temperatures, but rather a too high humidity to fatal consequences.

Special winter hazards

Basically, the true lavender is considered to be hardy for temperatures of up to -15 ° C, if the plant is exposed to this only for a short time. More problematic than low temperatures, however, is too much moisture, for example in mild but very wet winters. Since lavender is more used to dryness, too much moisture can lead to rot and thus to the death of the plant. For this reason, lavender should not be mulched, because the mulch material stores the moisture instead of dissipating it. It makes more sense, however, to plant the lavender in a sheltered place.

Frost = danger of drying up

The opposite problem arises when the plant is exposed to frost and bright winter sun - lavender can dry up, as its roots in the frozen soil can no longer absorb water, but at the same time more water evaporates through the leaves. Here as well, a protected location and, if necessary, a cover with spruce or fir branches help.

Hardiness of other types of lavender

Although the true lavender is considered more or less hardy, but not other lavender species. How sensitive which lavender is and which winter protection is recommended can be found in the table below.


As a rule, it is sufficient to plant the real lavender in a sheltered corner and cover it with spruce or fir branches. Especially when it comes to snow, you do not have to worry, the snow cover acts as a heat protection fleece and ensures easier winter storage than dry frost.