Nature provides the best manure for tomatoes

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Best Natural Fertilizer for Tomatoes
Video: Best Natural Fertilizer for Tomatoes


Nature provides the best manure for tomatoes

The nutrient supply of tomatoes is a balancing act between the promotion of growth and healthy consumption. The plants should thrive magnificently. But not at any price. We have discovered the best fertilizers for you, with which the balancing act succeeds.

Biological fertilizer for tomatoes - compromises unnecessary

Responsibility towards the environment has long since arrived in the cultivation of tomatoes. Nobody wants to accept chemically contaminated fruits so that the plants thrive and provide a rich harvest. Good to know that Mother Nature has a variety of organic fertilizers available. The following alternatives to artificial fertilizers & Co. have particularly distinguished themselves:

As a natural fertilizer for tomatoes with a longer-term improvement of the soil, experienced hobby gardeners use rock flour. Made of basalt rock, this fertilizer contains especially iron and magnesium. If tomatoes are lacking in these two nutrients, the dreaded yellow leaves develop.

Home remedies as tomato fertilizer

The kitchen provides a wealth of organic plant fertilizers that are welcome to the starving tomatoes. These home remedies contain valuable nutrients:

Pure wood ash made of untreated materials also causes a sensation. This ash contains all the ingredients that a tomato gardener promises from a natural fertilizer. Nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and trace elements are administered via this route to tomato plants. Either incorporated directly into the beet or over the detour of the compost heap. A dosage of 30 grams per square meter should not be exceeded.

Tips & Tricks

If the tomato leaves remain as a mulch after pickling, they release additional nutrients to the plants via this path. An ideal mulch layer is about 2 centimeters high and maintains a distance of 10 centimeters to the root neck.