Plant Dittany: Location, Substrate, Planting Time and Co.

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Plant Dittany: Location, Substrate, Planting Time and Co. - Garden
Plant Dittany: Location, Substrate, Planting Time and Co. - Garden


Dittany can be planted in spring or autumn

Plant Dittany: Location, Substrate, Planting Time and Co.

A rarity, that's the Diptam. He comes originally from Central Europe and gets along excellently in local gardens. Its white-pink flowers reminiscent of mallows reminiscent of vanilla and citrus fruits. But how is the Diptam planted properly?

Previous article Well-being guaranteed - this location is perfect for Diptam Next article Diptam: With this care, he stays well!

Which location should it be?

Its natural occurrence is heathland, dry meadows and areas on the woody edge. As a result, the location should be sunny to partially shaded. Ideal is a warm and sheltered location suitable. A shadow place should not be considered.

Which substrate is suitable for growth?

The substrate to its roots should also awaken native feelings. Before it goes to the plants, the soil should basically be loosened up. Subsequently, the following features are crucial for good growth, health and a rich flowering:

When and how is Diptam planted?

A good time for planting has come in the fall. Alternatively, the early spring offers. Do not worry, the Diptam is hardy and can withstand frost. It can be planted directly in the bed or pulled in a pot.

The planting distance should be at least 50 cm. Pour a portion of compost into the planting hole to give the Diptam a jump start. After planting, the soil should first be kept moist. Attention: Gladly Diptam is nibbled by snails!

Besides which plants does Diptam look good?

Due to its tall and straight-lined growth and its large number of beautiful flowers, the Diptam is perfect as a solitaire. But he also looks good alongside other plants. These include:

How is the sowing done?

Sowing easy-care diptam is difficult. The main reason is that this is a cold germ.

The seeds to be sowed in autumn need a cool period with temperatures between 0 and 4 ° C for at least 2 weeks. You can help by keeping the seeds in the fridge for several weeks.


When dealing with the Diptam is to be remembered that it is poisonous in all its parts!