Is the Dipladenia suitable as a traffic light plant?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Mandevilla & Dipladenia Care || Outdoor & Indoor Care of Mandevilla & What’s The Difference?
Video: Mandevilla & Dipladenia Care || Outdoor & Indoor Care of Mandevilla & What’s The Difference?


The Dipladenia makes herself very pretty in a hanging basket

Is the Dipladenia suitable as a traffic light plant?

The versatile and very decorative Dipladenia is not only very well suited for the planting of window boxes or terrace tubs, it is also an excellent hanging plant. Here it does not grow then as a climbing plant but hanging.

No matter in what form you cultivate the unfortunately poisonous Dipladenia, also called Mandevilla, give it a warm and bright place that is also well protected from wind and rain. The direct sunlight at noon but she does not like. The Mandevilla is not frost hardy and is also bad to hibernate. Temperatures below about 8 ° C can be quite harmful.

For the Dipladenia can be quite easily propagated by offshoots. Cut some shoots in the fall, then you have young plants in the spring and can handle the eventual loss of the old plant well. A wintering can succeed in a bright and well-temperate winter quarters, however.

So you maintain your Dipladenia in the flower basket

The Dipladenia is considered relatively undemanding and easy to clean. She also survives several days without being cast. So a weekend trip is no problem for its owner. Pour your Dipladenia about once a week, and then not too abundant but rather economical. About once a month give the plant a little bit of fertilizer. You can simply mix this as liquid fertilizer into the irrigation water.

The essentials in brief:


The Dipladenia you can plant safely in a hanging lamp. There, their funnel-shaped flowers are very good effect.