Dill turns brown - what to do?

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
PLANT LEAF DRYING and BROWN at TIPS AND EDGES: Top 5 Reasons - Diagnosis Cure and Hacks (Tips)
Video: PLANT LEAF DRYING and BROWN at TIPS AND EDGES: Top 5 Reasons - Diagnosis Cure and Hacks (Tips)


Dill turns brown - what to do?

The dill has been grown for centuries as a seasoning and medicinal plant. Basically, its cultivation is associated with relatively little effort, but at certain locations it can sometimes lead to stunted growth or browning of the dill.

The difficult search for the perfect location

Once you have successfully planted the dill (Anethum graveolens) in your garden, it will sometimes take away your search for the site. Through self-sowing, Dill himself seeks pase growth spots for the next season, if you let him. Basically, however, it can be said that Dill likes to stand with the tips in full sun, while the root region should be better something in the shade. In addition, the filigree dill plants thank you, if it is a rather sheltered place. These criteria are best combined when growing dill in a raised bed or in a pot.Waterlogging should be avoided as well as great dryness so that there is no browning of the dill.

Keep crop rotation and distances to unwelcome neighbors

Sometimes deficiency symptoms such as browning in the dill also occur if it is not grown in a natural crop rotation. So you should only sow dill in the same place every four years if you want to harvest healthy dill and dill seeds. In addition, close proximity or succession to the following vegetable varieties should be avoided:

Various diseases and pests

In particular, an addition in a pot can help avoid the occurrence of the dreaded casserole disease in the dill by the separated Aufstellmöglichkeit. The stunted growth and the browning of the plants can also be due to the following pests:

Since a targeted control of these pests is extremely difficult, crop rotations should be observed and sometimes parts of the soil should be replaced if harmful images occur. In a nest-like brown coloration by the Doldenbrand you should generously cut out affected areas and absolutely dispense with an overhead watering.

Tips & Tricks

Some dill diseases with whitish appearances are transmitted mainly by aphids. These can be biologically controlled by spraying the plants with a solution of 100 grams of vermouth in one liter of water.