The right location for the Dieffenbachia

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dieffenbachia Plant Care 101 |  Dieffenbachia
Video: Dieffenbachia Plant Care 101 | Dieffenbachia


The Dieffenbachia likes to be in partial shade

The right location for the Dieffenbachia

Originally the Dieffenbachia comes from the dense rainforests of South and Central America, where it thrives in the light shade of the primeval forest giants. This is also the orientation of our room hybrids.

The Dieffenbachia is not a sunbather

The plant with the attractively colored foliage prefers a light to partially shaded place on the windowsill. A south window is unsuitable, better is an east or west location. Even on a not too cool and dark northern window, she feels comfortable.

You do not like durable draft, so a location in front of a regularly tilted window or near the door is not ideal. Also, be careful not to lose heat, keep the temperature below 20 degrees, and maintain adequate humidity.


If the Dieffenbachia is too dark in its place, it forms smaller leaves, which often have no pattern and occasionally turn yellow. Then make the plant brighter or provide a plant lamp for better lighting conditions.