Deutzien can be multiplied that easily!

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Deutzien can be multiplied that easily! - Garden
Deutzien can be multiplied that easily! - Garden


The Deutzia is best multiplied by cuttings

Deutzien can be multiplied that easily!

Deutzia, also known as Maiblumenstrauch or Sternchenstrauch, are wonderful for pulling hedges by the fence. But you need a lot of shrubs for that. If you already cultivate a Deutzzie in the garden, you can even procure by propagation for offspring.

Early article The Deutzie, also called Maiblumenstrauch, is not poisonous

Cutting cuttings

In order to multiply Deutzia, cut cuttings from the already existing plant in summer. Choose shoots that grow in the middle of the shrub.

Cut pieces of twigs that are 20 to 30 centimeters long that are not quite woody yet. Be sure to use a clean and sharp knife.

Prepare pots with germ-free potting soil. First, remove the lower leaves and then insert the shoots into the culture pots.

Maintaining Germania cuttings

To root the cuttings, place them in a warm place, and keep the soil evenly moist but not wet.

Adult Germans are absolutely hardy. However, this does not apply to the small cuttings. They freeze to freezing temperatures and must be winterized frost-free.

When may the new shrubs be planted?

Already the following spring, the cuttings have enough roots to be planted at their intended location.

The new place should be as sunny as possible so that the Deutzians bear many flowers. On a loose, humus and nutritious soil, the shrubs thrive best.

If you plant the self-propagated Deutzia as a hedge, keep a planting distance of about half of the expected growth width.

Young plants from the garden trade

If you lack the time or space to grow Deutzia yourself, you will get many varieties as young plants in the garden trade.

The pre-grown in the pot Deutzien plant either in the spring or autumn in the garden.

Shrubs planted in the fall should protect you from frost in the first year with winter protection.


Deutzien are incompatible with themselves. If you plant the self-propagated shrubs, make sure that there have not been any Deutzians there before. If it can not be avoided, replace a large part of the earth beforehand.