To multiply Dendrobium with offshoots

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dendrobium orchid propagation from old canes
Video: Dendrobium orchid propagation from old canes


The offshoots of the Dendrobium need a lot of care

To multiply Dendrobium with offshoots

A lovingly cultivated Dendrobium has enough vitality to produce daughter plants on their own. These offshoots have all the wonderful features of their mother plant. It takes only a little patience and gardening attention, in order to draw from it a new orchid. That's how it works.

Previous article How to properly repot your Dendrobium

How do I recognize a Dendrobium offshoot?

On older, dimmed bulbs sprout sometimes in the upper part small aerial roots and leaves. With this particular strategy, the Dendrobium ensures their survival, because they are daughter plants in their early stages of growth. Therefore, do not cut off yellowing bulbs prematurely so as not to deprive yourself of the chance of having a baby.

Cut and care for offshoots - how to do it right

If you have discovered an offshoot on your Dendrobium, do not first separate it from the parent plant. Continue the care program undiminished and spray the child regularly with soft, room-warm water. Cut the offshoot only if it has at least 2 separate leaves and several aerial roots. Proceed as follows:

Since the few aerial roots are not sufficient for the supply of the daughter plant, high humidity is important for further growth. Place the seed pot in a room greenhouse or under a transparent hood. Likewise, a hermetically sealed plastic bag creates the required moist, warm microclimate. Ventilate the cover daily to prevent formation of mold.

If the spin-off drives hard after a few weeks, the hood has fulfilled its task. On the partially shaded, warm window seat, water regularly. Spray the tops and bottoms of the leaves every 2 days with lime-free water. If the young Dendrobium has completely rooted its pot, plant your pup into normal pine bark substrate and start with the nutrient supply.


Dendrobium species with numerous bulbs, such as the bamboo orchid (Dendrobium Berry), can easily be multiplied by division. Repotting the royal flower is the best opportunity. With both hands pull apart the root network and you hold two Dendrobium orchids in your hands.