Tips for wintering date palms

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Date Palm growth over Winter
Video: Date Palm growth over Winter


Date palms can be overwintered outdoors

Tips for wintering date palms

With light frost the date palm gets along. It is therefore conditionally hardy. As long as the temperature does not drop too low, you can also overwinter a date palm outside. What you need to consider if you want to bring date palms well over the winter.

Early article Caution when cutting the date palm

Date Palm is conditionally hardy

Up to -6 degrees tolerates a date palm. Date palms, which you have planted directly into the garden bed, survive frosts quite well, as long as the temperatures do not fall even lower.

When cultivating date palms in tubs, it is recommended to overwinter them in the house frost-free. In exceptional cases, you can leave them outside in a protected location.

Hibernate date palms in the house

In the house a cool, as bright as possible place for the hibernation of date palms is needed. Are suitable:

If it is very dark at the location, you should attach plant lamps, so that the date palm gets enough light.

Cultivate date palms over winter in the garden

If you want to hibernate a date palm outside in a tub, place it in a sheltered location and make sure the palm tree does not get too wet.

An insulating base is just as useful as the sheathing of the pot with burlap or special garden fleece.

If the date palm grows directly in the soil of the garden, spread a thick layer of mulch around the palm tree. When temperatures drop you should temporarily protect the date palm with sackcloth from frost.


The larger the date palm becomes, the more difficult it will be to bring the pots home in the winter. For this reason, it is better to place the buckets on rollers so that they are easier to move and can be quickly moved to another location if there is a risk of frost.