Can I multiply Klivien myself?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 25 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Can I multiply Klivien myself? - Garden
Can I multiply Klivien myself? - Garden


The Clivia must be pollinated if it is to train seeds

Can I multiply Klivien myself?

Not very easy to maintain, but very decorative and with more and more abundant flowering time, the Clivia is an extremely attractive houseplant. With a little skill and patience, reproduction is not as difficult as you might think.

Help article, my clivia is not blooming! Next article Clivia overwinter professionally

The propagation through cuttings

The easiest way to multiply the Clivia by cuttings or better so-called Kindel. These are side shoots that grow out of the root as independent plants. Are they about 20 to 25 inches tall, then they may be separated from the mother plant.

Be sure to use a sharp knife and be careful not to hurt the child or the old plant. Individually place the kitties in flowerpots with a peat-sand mixture or a mixture of potting soil and sand / peat and place the pots in a bright place protected from the midday sun. The young plants are still quite sensitive and could easily burn in the sun.

Pour your young offspring only moderately for now and allow the substrate to dry a little between the waterings. Fertilizer is not necessary at this time. Once the roots start growing out of the pot, you should repot your Klivien. Now they may be planted in good compost soil or commercially available potting soil.

Propagation by seeds

If you want to grow Klivien from seed, then you should have a lot of patience. It can take five years from sowing to the first flower. Even the maturation of the seeds may take a long time.

The subsequent sowing is a breeze, so to speak. Remove the already germinating seeds from your clivia and gently squeeze these seeds into fresh seed soil. Keep this soil slightly moist. Moisture should not occur, otherwise the seeds rot easily.

The multiplication of the Clivia shortly:


If you would like to have a new flowering Clivia soon enough, then pull your young plant to the offshoot of a newly-blown Clivia.