When is a clematis to be cut?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Prune Clematis Vines
Video: How to Prune Clematis Vines


When is a clematis to be cut?

In view of the different flowering times, beginners ask the hobby gardeners when to cut a clematis. For better orientation, the plant family was divided into the following three sectional groups:

Schnittgruppe 1 - Spring flowering clematis

If a clematis flowers in spring, it has buds already created in the previous year. Clematis alpina and similar species cut after flowering in June / July.

Schnittgruppe 2 - Double flowering clematis

Twice-flowering clematis, such as the world-famous clematis 'The President' or other hybrids, only rinse after first flowering. The actual main section gets this group in November / December. In addition, these clematis get a rejuvenation cut every 4 to 5 years.

Schnittgruppe 3 - Summer flowering clematis

If a clematis unfolds its flowers during the summer, cut it back shortly before the first frost or generously in early spring. Forming seeds are removed in a timely manner so that the clematis does not waste energy in them.