Beautiful clematis with a sunny mind - selection for sunny locations

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
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Beautiful clematis with a sunny mind - selection for sunny locations

A sunny location for the hobby gardener certainly does not primarily come to mind, if he wants to settle a clematis in the garden. Despite all this, there are quite a few sun-loving clematis. What types and varieties are equipped with a sunny mind, you can find out here.

For these clematis a sunny location is welcome

Located in the forest regions of Texas, the Clematis texensis has adjusted well to sunny conditions. For this clematis and all varieties that have emerged, therefore, a sunny location comes into consideration. Here, the summer bloomers unfold their flower magic from June to October. Here are some of the most beautiful representatives of this characteristic Clematis group:

Unfortunately, the clematis for sun-drenched locations has the reputation that they are explicitly susceptible to mildew. If you want to avoid this risk, plant the spectacular Clematis texensis 'Princess Diana' with pink petals and white tips or the Clematis texensis 'Peveril Profusion', which have proven to be largely resistant.

Tips for the right plants

A sunny location alone does not guarantee a flowering flora. For a clematis to do its best, it depends on a professional planting. How to do it right:

A sunny location requires special precautions for a shaded foot that every clematis loves so much. A thick layer of pine bark keeps the soil fresh and moist longer.

Tips & Tricks

Clematis texensis and their descendants thrive as Sommerblüher exclusively on this year's shoots. Since these climbing plants start every year from the beginning, they get a hefty pruning in autumn. Cut all vines back near the ground at the latest in early spring, repeating the flowers once again.