Which clematis are frost hardy and which are not?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Самые красивые МОРОЗОСТОЙКИЕ клематисы 1 гуппы -БЕЗ ОБРЕЗКИ.FROST RESISTANT Clematis
Video: Самые красивые МОРОЗОСТОЙКИЕ клематисы 1 гуппы -БЕЗ ОБРЕЗКИ.FROST RESISTANT Clematis


Which clematis are frost hardy and which are not?

Among hobby gardeners there is sometimes uncertainty regarding the winter hardiness of Clematis. In fact, the plant family harbors winter hardy, partially winterized and frost sensitive species. Find out the differences here.

These clematis are hardy

If you are looking for indestructible clematis with robust frost hardiness, these species and varieties are the center of attention:

However, early flowering is not considered a feature of perfect winter hardiness. Thus, the ever-popular and early-flowering Clematis montana has proven extremely sensitive to minus degrees. In contrast, scores the fascinating, summer-flowering Italian clematis Clematis viticella with a pronounced resistance to frost.

These clematis want to winter quarters

Evergreen clematis are native to Australia, New Zealand, China and Southern Europe, where the climate is very mild. A typical German winter outlast the following species and varieties only in a bright, frost-free winter quarters:

Winter protection is recommended here

A conditional hardiness implies that from temperatures of - 8 degrees Celsius the clematis threatens to freeze. To prevent this shortcoming, the tendrils are wrapped in climbing aid in jute or garden fleece. In addition, the tree disc should be piled with leaves, straw and spruce needle sprig. Among other things, the provisions for these clematis come into consideration:

In addition, it is advisable to protect a clematis in the bucket from frost and snow. This also applies to actually frost-resistant species. In the planter, the root ball is much less protected due to the exposed position than deep in the soil.

Tips & Tricks

Regardless of the winter hardiness of a clematis, there is a uniform need for care in the cold season. If Grief Frost misses the snow, clematis get dryness. In Kahlfrost, both the plants in the garden and in the bucket are poured on a frost-free day.