Hibernate the Christmas rose in the field

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Legend of the Christmas Rose - Little Madelon
Video: Legend of the Christmas Rose - Little Madelon


A few branches are enough to protect the Christmas rose from frost in winter

Hibernate the Christmas rose in the field

The Christmas rose, also called snow rose or Christmas rose, is hardy. Christmas roses are almost completely free of winter protection outdoors. Only the sensitive roots suffer from frost. How to properly winter the pretty winter flowers.

So hibernate the Christmas rose

Ideally, the Christmas rose is under deciduous trees and trees that throw off the leaves in autumn. Just leave the leaves lying. As a winter protection for the roots of the Schneerose that is completely sufficient.

At exposed locations, spread a mulch cover of foliage, bark mulch or grass clippings under the snow-rose to protect the roots from frost.

In addition, they prevent the soil from over-drying in low-precipitation winters. You do not have to water additionally.

Tips & Tricks

A Christmas rose in the pot needs additional winter protection. The plants freeze in the bucket much faster in heavy frost than in the field. Christmas roses in the pot should be wintered in winter at a sheltered corner or in the house.