Cut Christmas Rose - When pruning makes sense

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Alan Titchmarsh - Pruning and Training
Video: Alan Titchmarsh - Pruning and Training


You can cut the beautiful flowers of the Christmas rose and put them in a vase

Cut Christmas Rose - When pruning makes sense

The Christmas rose needs almost no care. It does not harm the ornamental plant that is also called Snow Rose or Christmas Rose if you simply let it grow in peace. Of course you can cut the Christmas rose, if you think it makes sense. It really is not necessary.

Early article Christmas roses need little care Next article Increase Christmas rose by sowing or splitting

Cut back the Christmas rose in the field

The Christmas rose is completely undemanding in terms of care. It basically works without pruning. If you are very bothered by blooming flowers and withered leaves, you may of course remove them.

Withered leaves cut as deeply as possible. With a stronger pruning of the snow-rose you wait until after flowering. Then cut off all flowered inflorescences close to the ground.

You should not cut the green leaves, so that the Schneerose during the current garden year can gather strength for the next flowering period. If you accidentally cut off too many leaves, that does not matter. The Christmas rose is developing new leaves quite fast.

Prevent by cutting back the leaf disease

By cutting off withered and over-close leaves, you can prevent leaf disease. However, this disease is very rare in the robust Christmas rose, if the location is right.

Cut Christmas rose as a cut flower

For the vase are Christmas roses with long stems. Unfortunately, the beautiful flowers do not last too long in the house. Without special care, they have withered after a week.

You have some of your Christmas rose bouquet longer if you first treat the cut snow roses like this:

By piercing or crossing the stalk a few inches below the flower, the flower can absorb water better.

Float the flowers in a water bowl

Even better are the flowers of the Christmas rose, if you do not put them in the vase, but rather take care of swimming in water.

For this purpose, the stems are cut to one centimeter below the flower. Then place the flower heads in a bowl filled with water.

Again, you should change the water as possible daily to extend the shelf life of the flowers.

Always wear gloves when cutting

Because the snow-rose is so poisonous, you should never touch it with your bare hands. The sap can cause nasty inflammation on the skin.

Use disposable gloves, which you dispose of after use. Do not forget to thoroughly clean the scissors and utensils used to cut the Christmas rose.

Tips & Tricks

Christmas roses multiply themselves by seeds. If you want to prevent spreading, you should cut back the withered flowers of the Schneerose in time. This will prevent self-seeding of the flower.