Christmas roses need little care

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
🌹 Christmas Rose Hellebore Plant Care - SGD 253 🌹
Video: 🌹 Christmas Rose Hellebore Plant Care - SGD 253 🌹


Christmas roses like it rather dry than damp

Christmas roses need little care

Outdoors, the Christmas rose prefers it, if you simply let it grow in peace. It is a bit more elaborate to cultivate it in a tub or as a houseplant, but here, too, it becomes apparent how robust the ornamental plant, also known as the snow-rose or Christmas rose, is.

Early Christmas Rose Plant - Tips for Proper Planting Next article Cut Christmas Rose - When pruning makes sense

How often does the Christmas rose have to be poured?

The Christmas rose tolerates no waterlogging. In the field, she prefers dry. Watering is only necessary if it has not rained for a long time in summer or in winter.

You need to water more often in the case of Christmas roses in the pot because the soil dries faster. Make sure that the planter has a large drainage hole so that excess irrigation water can drain off.

You may water with normal tap water. Even calcareous water tolerates the Christmas rose well.

Does the Schneerose have to be fertilized?

Basically, you do not have to fertilize the snow roses. Only if the plant does not bear flowers, it may be useful to give some lime.

In the field, it has been proven to plant a snow rose under deciduous woody plants and simply leave the fallen leaves as mulch cover.

How is the Christmas rose cut?

You only have to cut Christmas roses if you disturb dry leaves and dead flowers. If you cut back the plant, remove the leaves and flower stems as close to the ground as possible.

If the Christmas rose does not want to sow itself unchecked, cut the flowers before seeds can develop.

Are there any diseases that you need to be aware of?

The Christmas rose is very robust. Illnesses hardly ever occur. At most, the leaf disease caused by fungi occurs occasionally. Black leaves and greasy spots develop on the leaves and the leaf curls up. Mostly it is the location that is too warm and humid.

In this case, cut off affected leaves and treat affected Christmas roses with vegetable follicles from plants such as:

Which pests can occur in Christmas roses?

Aphids and snails are often found on the Christmas rose. The pests should pick you up. With strong snail infestation helps a worm fence. Aphids are combated with lye from soft soap or fresh nettle stock.

How is the Christmas rose overwintered?

Christmas roses are hardy. In the field, they do not need winter protection if you sprinkle a light gauze blanket in the fall. Suitable for this are leaves, grass clippings without flowers or bark mulch.

When cultivating in a pot or bucket, you must protect the planter from the cold. Put it on a Styrofoam plate and wrap it with foil.

Tips & Tricks

In the field, you should be careful when cultivating the soil near a snow-rose. Just carefully pull weeds and avoid picking up the soil. The roots just below the surface would be damaged.