Chili breed - the easy way to self-catering

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Breed Peppers - Cross Pollinating to Create a New Variety.
Video: How to Breed Peppers - Cross Pollinating to Create a New Variety.


Chili breed - the easy way to self-catering

As a hobby to breed chili, the niche existence as an extravagant pastime has long left behind. The healthy pods with the pungent taste belong in every modern kitchen. So you become a chili self-catering in no time.

Early sowing creates the basis for a rich harvest

Since chilli leaves up to 4 months for fruit ripening, early sowing is a mainstay in cultivation. February and March have proven to be suitable months for the start of a chili breed.

At 25-28 degrees Celsius in the bright, not fully sunny window seat, the seeds are quickly active. Optimal conditions are found in a heated indoor greenhouse. Covering the seed pot with plastic wrap is close to ideal.

Make room for chili with proper piking

Once the cotyledons have fought their way through the earth to the light, the first pairs of leaves follow in a short time. As soon as the plantlets touch each other, they are piqued.

Light and heat are still essential for healthy, compact growth. It should not be full sun, however. Temperatures of more than 30 degrees Celsius stress the delicate chilies.

Conscientiously repot into the final planter

Before it goes out to the balcony from mid-May, you will be potting your pupils. At the latest when the roots peek out of the bottom opening in the potting pot, they want to move into a larger vessel. In it they will stay at least until the end of the season.

In the flower box we recommend a planting distance of 50 cm on average. Smaller chili varieties may be set a little tighter. Each plant receives a support pole to protect against windthrow.

Choose the location in the bed with care

It is an open secret that chilli plants are only partially suitable for outdoor cultivation. Hobby gardeners in mild wine-growing regions are much better off than their colleagues in northern Germany. So that you successfully breed chili in the bed, the following premises apply:

Tips & Tricks

Any hobby gardener who wants to master the chili breed with a limited amount of free time selects the hydroponics. Instead of conventional soil, the plants thrive in expanded clay. They independently cover their needs for water and nutrients from a supply, which can be read off via a special display.