How to properly care for your Celosia - tips and tricks

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Know How to Grow n Care for Celosia Plants - [Complete GUIDE]
Video: Know How to Grow n Care for Celosia Plants - [Complete GUIDE]


The exotic-looking Celosie is quite easy to maintain

How to properly care for your Celosia - tips and tricks

Relatively easy-care and extremely decorative - that's how you could describe the Celosia shortly. The long version then contains the description of the different flower shapes and colors of this ornamental plant, which is offered in the trade as a summer flower or indoor plant.

Cockscomb or plume - the different flower forms

The Celosia argentea and their subspecies usually have plum-shaped flower candles, which are very decorative in their bright colors. These flower candles, the specialist calls them Cymen, are composed of countless small flowers. With the Celosia argentea var. Cristata a completely different flower form has appeared, the so-called Hahnenkamm. This pathological change has been further bred ever since and is available in many varieties.

Plant celosia

Celosia like a warm location. It should be sunny, but not necessarily exposed to the blazing midday sun. The soil is best loose and humus. Depending on your needs, you can mix in some well rotted compost or sand to adjust the soil.

Pour and fertilize

The celosia should be watered regularly and fertilized as needed. That means with fresh potting soil fertilizer can usually be dispensed with, as it contains enough nutrients. If the Celosia is in nutrient-poor soil, add some potassium-containing liquid fertilizer into the irrigation water about every four weeks.

Cut Celosia

Although the Celosien must not be circumcised, it does not hurt them either. So you can use the extremely decorative flowers quite as cut flowers. At the same time you promote the development of new flowers and extend the flowering of your Celosien. Since they retain their wonderful colors even when dried, celosia are ideal for dry bouquets. The leaves are even edible.

The Celosia in winter

Celosia are not hardy, as their tropical and subtropical origins already suggest. However, unlike most other summer flowers, they should not hibernate in a cool, but rather warm.

The most important care tips:


If you need a large number of flowering plants at a fixed date, sow celosia in time. They germinate, grow and flower very reliably and on time.