Prefer Canna - answers to important questions

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
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Prior Cannas can be planted from May

Prefer Canna - answers to important questions

Canna takes some time to flower. In order not to have to wait until the summer for their flowers, the pulling of the seeds home is preferable to direct sowing in the field. But how does that work and which other reasons speak for the preference?

Why should you prefer the flower tube?

The main reason is the faster onset of flowering. Furthermore, there are the following aspects:

Which is the best time?

The seeds from the flower tube should ideally be applied immediately after ripening for germination. This is the case in late autumn. At the beginning of the year or the beginning of February at the latest, they should be sown at home. Otherwise, no flowering can be achieved in the same year.

How is the preference carried out from beginning to end?

Before you go to the act of sowing, you should heed the following tip. Grind or file the seeds. For this purpose, for example, a nail file can be used.

At the point where the semen is recognizable, the black shell should be rubbed off. But do not remove too much. Once the white layer is visible, you should stop filing / sanding.

Sources and sow

The next step is to source the seeds. For this, the ground seeds are placed in warm water. It is sufficient to leave the seeds in the water for one to two days.

After that, the seeds can be sown. They are sown 2 cm deep in a nutrient-poor soil. To grow, it is advisable to place the seed pots in a warm and bright place.

Lodging from May

From May, Canna can be planted in the field. The location should be sunny and protected. The soil should be a pre-fertilized, humus rich and like loamy substrate with a pH between 5 and 6.


Attention: When the pots are near the heater, the soil should be finger-tested every day. The heating air dries up the soil quickly. This can mean the end of germinated seeds.