The basket Marant Calathea rufibarba is not poisonous

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 27 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The basket Marant Calathea rufibarba is not poisonous - Garden
The basket Marant Calathea rufibarba is not poisonous - Garden


Calathea Rufibarba is non-toxic

The basket Marant Calathea rufibarba is not poisonous

For families with children and pets it is not always easy to find nice indoor plants that are not poisonous. Therefore, it is worth trying to maintain a basket Marante like Calathea rufibarba, because this is one of the non-toxic ornamental plants.

Calathea rufibarba is not poisonous

Like all species of basket Marsh calathea rufibarba is not poisonous. You can take care of this beautiful houseplant with its yellow blossom in the house. However, the care requires some experience.

The humidity in the location plays a big role. The Calathea rufibarba likes to like damp. To keep humidity levels below 80 percent, spray the plant more often with lime-free water.


The Calathea rufibarba estimates a partially shaded, rather dark location. Like all calathees, they can be kept wherever it would be too dark for other flowering houseplants.