Not all Calathea species develop a beautiful flower

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 27 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
25 Calathea Species and Cultivars Ranked by Difficulty Level (for me)
Video: 25 Calathea Species and Cultivars Ranked by Difficulty Level (for me)


The Calathea crocata bears the largest flowers

Not all Calathea species develop a beautiful flower

The Calathea or Korbmarante is an ornamental plant, which is primarily drawn because of its very decorative leaves. Not all species make flowers. But even the flowering varieties only develop a flower if the Calathea's requirements for location and care are met.

Flowering time of the Korbmarante is in spring

The color of the flower and flowering time of the calathea depend on the species. Some bloom in the spring months of April and May, while other species bloom earlier in the year or only in late summer. Maintain the Korbmarante for several years, flowers it only if it is perfectly maintained.

The care must be right

In order for the Calathea flowers to set, the care must be optimal. Water the baskets regularly so that the root ball is neither too moist nor too dry. Avoid waterlogging and use lukewarm, low-calcium water to pour.

Place the Calathea in a partially shaded place, where it is between 20 and 25 degrees in summer and no colder than 18 degrees in winter. Draft is harmful!

Flowering species of Calathea

Non-flowering species of basket marant

The Calathea lancifolia is one of the species that are not cared for because of their flowering. It captivates above all by the drawing of its leaves. Incidentally, the leaves remain particularly beautiful if you rub them off with a damp cloth from time to time.


Bloomed inflorescences of Calathea simply cut off. Shorten the stems as close to the base as possible.