Tropical foliage plant and velvety flatterer - the colorful nettle

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
SIMPLEST Way To Make Coleus BUSHY & More Colorful
Video: SIMPLEST Way To Make Coleus BUSHY & More Colorful


The Buntnessel is a beautiful beauty for home and garden

Tropical foliage plant and velvety flatterer - the colorful nettle

Their colorful, velvety-soft ornamental leaves make a flower a minor matter. The stinging nettle delights on the sunny balcony, as opulent houseplant or trumps in summery discounts. Making the right choice within the abundant variety of varieties poses a greater challenge to the gardener than the uncomplicated cultivation. Why this is so, the following answers to common questions.

Plant the stinging nettle properly

Plant stinging nettles in the bed only when the temperatures are permanently above 12-14 degrees Celsius. The leaf beauties can be planted all year long in the pot, as long as the move to the balcony takes place at the earliest in mid-May. Please pay special attention to the following aspects:

After you've finished the tropical grace abundant, we recommend a mulch layer of leaves or grass clippings.
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care Tips

The proper care of a stinging nettle is based primarily on a generous supply of water and nutrients. All other measures are behind it. How to do it right:

If the mercury column falls below the 15-degree mark in the fall, clear the stubble in the pot or balcony box. A pruning by one to two thirds is now an advantage. In the bright, warm winter quarters you pour reduced and administer diluted liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks.
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Which location is suitable?

The choice of location plays a key role in the professional cultivation. For the tropical foliage plant to reach its floral zenith, it depends on these conditions:

Because solenostemon tolerate no cold, they settle at the earliest in May on the sunny balcony or are planted in the bed.
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Which soil does the plant need?

As a pot substrate, choose a nutrient-rich peat soil that has the required neutral to slightly acidic pH. Alternatively, the use of unit earth on a compost basis is conceivable. The addition of lava or expanded clay ensures the desired permeability. Cultured once a year in the summer bed, enrich humus-rich, fresh-moist soil with acid leaf compost or rhododendron earth to make the colorful nettle develop splendidly.
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When is flowering time?

From June to October inconspicuous flower spikes rise above the magnificent foliage. Since these contribute little to the decorative appearance, experienced gardeners cut off the stems. Thanks to this foresight, you spare a stinging nettle the power needed to grow seeds.
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Cut the stinging nettle correctly

A cut at the right time will do valuable work, so that the vigorous stinging nettle preserves its compact habit and does not become fissured. This is how it works:

Continuous skimming does not necessarily require the use of scissors. Grasp the shoot just above a leaf or leaf node between thumb and forefinger and snap it off.
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Water the stinging nettle

Water your stinging nettle abundantly and regularly. On dried substrate, the Asian beauty reacts outraged with short-term leaf shedding. On the sunny balcony or the bright windowsill this can be required daily in summer. Ideally, use soft water to prevent the pH in the soil from increasing. Spoil the tropical foliage plant from time to time with a gentle spray of lime-free water in the early morning or in the evening hours.
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Fertilize stinging nettle properly

The nutrient requirement of a stinging nettle is at a high level. From May to September, in potted culture, you will be given a liquid fertilizer for bog beds every week. Alternatively, apply a slow-release fertilizer as chopsticks, cones or granules in April and July. If the solenostemon is wintering on the warm sill, one dose of liquid fertilizer is sufficient every 4-6 weeks.
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Fall in the fall, the temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius, clear celery in the pot and balcony box. In the bright, warm winter quarters or on the sunny windowsill, the leaf ornamental plants linger until the next spring. Adjust the water supply to the reduced demand. It is fertilized every 4-6 weeks with dilute liquid fertilizer. In April you peat the wintery leafy beauties into fresh substrate and gradually get used to more sunshine and warmer temperatures.
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Multiply stinging nettle

Simply multiply a stinging nettle with cuttings. For this purpose, cut off late-summer cuttings with a length of 10-12 cm. The lower part is defoliated to insert the shoots into pots with lean substrate. A plastic hood creates a moist, warm microclimate that promotes rooting. Keep the soil constantly moist in the partially shaded, warm window seat. Until next spring you will cultivate a vital young plant.
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Stinging nettle in the pot

Use peat soil or unit earth as substrate in the pot as a substrate to satisfy the desire for a slightly acidic pH. So that it does not come to waterlogging later, place a pottery shard over the bottom opening. In the sunny, warm location on the balcony or the windowsill, water the stinging nettle abundantly and regularly with soft water. From May to September you fertilize weekly with a low-lime liquid fertilizer. Use too long shoots consistently, because from 40-50 cm growth height, the plant assumes a ragged habit. In winter, the tropical plant favors a bright location with temperatures not below 15 degrees Celsius.
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Is Buntness poisonous?

The stinging nettle is assigned to the slightly poisonous plants. Since the brightly colored leaves could entice inquisitive children and pets to eat, the foliage plant for the family garden is not optimally suited. Those who are sensitive to essential oils as gardeners should carry out planting and care work with protective gloves.
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Beautiful varieties

Formerly, the colorful nettle was known by its botanical name Coleus blumeii. In modern taxonomy, the leaf ornamental plant is managed as a solenostemon. Since this change took place recently, you will discover the plant under trade under both names.