High Water Demand: To Water Boxwood Pour right tree

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
How we can make crops survive without water | Jill Farrant
Video: How we can make crops survive without water | Jill Farrant


The boxwood should be poured on dry days

High Water Demand: To Water Boxwood Pour right tree

Despite various problems, the evergreen boxwood (Buxus sempervirens and other species) is one of the most popular shrubs in the garden. This popularity is not surprising, the plant is still considered easy to care for, versatile and moreover extremely cut compatible. But for a long-lasting enjoyment of your book, you should provide it with enough water on a regular basis - its need is higher than commonly thought.

Water the boxwood in the garden properly

In principle, a book planted out in the garden does not have to be watered regularly, but already on special occasions. Freshly planted specimens, which should be immersed intensively with the root ball in a bucket of water both directly before insertion, as well as in the first two weeks after planting, have a significantly higher need for water. Water the plant evenly, d. H. Do not spill the water in one place, but around it. Thus, the rhizome and thus the above-ground parts of plants can develop evenly. Furthermore, Buchs should be watered during hot and / or dry periods so that he does not suffer from thirst. Please note these hints:

Tips for the optimal pouring of a container plant

Although Buchs needs comparatively much moisture, but does not tolerate too wet feet and certainly no waterlogging. So keep the substrate slightly damp, but not wet, and ensure a good drainage in the pot so that excess water can escape and be poured off. Buchs should also be moderately watered during the winter months as new roots form at this time.


Since Buchs also has a high nutrient requirement, you should also fertilize it regularly.