Preserve ginger by drying

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How to dry ginger at home / how to store ginger to last longer / how to dehydrate ginger
Video: How to dry ginger at home / how to store ginger to last longer / how to dehydrate ginger


Preserve ginger by drying

In our latitudes, the tropical ginger plant can only be cultivated seasonally in the bucket during the summer season. In order to have ginger from own cultivation available also in winter, you can make the tubers after drying by drying durable.

Ginger dry as a cheap and easy method of preservation

If you have enough space in your freezer, you can also freeze the fresh tubers of the ginger in chopped and pre-portioned form. But it remains even when drying a large part of the natural aroma in the ginger rolls. The dried ginger slices can be easily ground with a spice mill for use in making tea or as a spice.

Drying in the air

If ginger is left in the air a little longer at room temperature, it can dry out by itself. So that it does not spoil in this process, it should first be sliced ​​and stored well ventilated in a dry room climate. In addition, you should regularly inspect and turn the ginger slices during the week-long dry phase, so that there is no mold or rot.

Dry ginger in the oven

Even for drying in the oven, the ginger roll should first be cut into thin slices, so that the liquid can escape more easily from the tuber and evaporate. Even in the oven at about 40 - 50 degrees Celsius or in the special dehydrator, it can take quite a few hours until you can determine by hand the desired degree of dryness. As soon as there is no liquid left on the discs, they are dry enough for longer storage.

Keep ginger for the new plantation in spring

If you want to keep some of the tubers for a new plantation next spring after harvesting the ginger, you should make sure that the tubers are kept in the winter. After excavating from the ground rub moist soil with a dry cloth from the ginger. Then put it well ventilated in a cool and dark basement room, where it does not dry out too much during the winter months and at the same time can not mold.

Tips & Tricks

As an alternative to drying, you can also preserve ginger by candying. Cut the peeled tuber into slices and cook, then add cane sugar to the pot. Repeat the boil-up with sugar addition for a few days in a row to achieve the desired degree of candiance.