When is pruning a beech necessary?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to prune a Beech tree
Video: How to prune a Beech tree


Beech trees are very cut tolerant, which is why they are also suitable as hedge plants

When is pruning a beech necessary?

Basically, you do not have to cut individual beech. They grow best in their natural form. However, pruning may be necessary if the tree has become too large or has been affected by disease. What you need to consider when trimming a book.

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When is the best time to prune?

If you want to prune a beech, you should choose a frost-free day in February. The beech will be reissued in March. She would bleed at a later pruning, so lose a lot of sap.

A lighter pruning is still possible at the end of July. However, only smaller branches should be removed.

If the beech suffers from diseases, it is advisable to cut out affected tree parts immediately.

Trimming the book correctly

The aim of pruning is in most cases to make the crown smaller or more pleasing.

When pruning the beech, carefully prune the side branches in such a way that always one side branch remains at the end. Then the tree drives well and the interfaces are no longer visible after a short time.

You should cut a full-grown beech by a maximum of 2.50 meters. If the tree is still too big, divide it back to several years.

Do not prune crown too much

When cutting back the beech crown, care must be taken to ensure that the pruning does not turn out too severely. The trunk should not be exposed to strong sunlight, but should also be shaded after cutting leaves. Otherwise, there is a risk that the beech trunk suffers a sunburn.

Also, do not over-illuminate the crown because the thin beech branches with their leaves help to supply the tree with nutrients.

Cover large wounds with artificial bark

Beech trees are very hardy deciduous trees. However, cutting whole branches when pruning can cause pests and fungi to invade.

Always cover large interfaces with artificial tree bark.


Before pruning a beech in the summer, check to see if birds breed in the crown. If necessary, you should postpone cutting to a later date.