Grow blackberries on your own balcony

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Growing Blackberries In Containers - The Complete Guide To Growing Blackberry
Video: Growing Blackberries In Containers - The Complete Guide To Growing Blackberry


Grow blackberries on your own balcony

With sufficient watering, blackberries love a full sun and warm location. That makes some varieties quite suitable for cultivation on the balcony.

Benefits of growing blackberries on the balcony

Not every hobby gardener has a large garden with plenty of room for growing delicious blackberries. But you do not need to forego the enjoyment of even collected blackberries with a balcony or a sunlit terrace. Certain types of blackberry also thrive in a tub very well if they are sufficiently poured and fertilized. However, the blackberries on the balcony should be planted in a sufficiently large pot, so that the strong to the sides awake blackberry roots in their development are not too limited.

Choose the right blackberry for the balcony

For a cultivation on the balcony are primarily the upright awake blackberry varieties from the specialized trade. These bear their fruit on shorter tendrils and are thus easier to control on a balcony in their growth. The following varieties have proven to be particularly suitable for cultivation on the balcony:

Since all these varieties have no thorns on the tendrils, there is no risk of injury from the blackberry cultivation on the balcony. For an even longer harvest season, you can also combine different early or late maturing varieties, if their balcony offers enough space for it.

The care of column blackberries and blackberry palate on the balcony

Particularly attractive is the cultivation of blackberries on the balcony, if it can be used at the same time for visual design and enhancement. Formed in a trellis blackberry plants can not only cover a gray concrete wall, but also serve as a natural screen in the direction of the neighboring apartment. The most important care measures on the balcony are the regular watering, the removal of overripe or moldy fruits and the pruning of the two-year tendrils in autumn after the harvest.

Tips & Tricks

Even upright blackberry varieties sometimes tend to form longer blackberry berries. These can be easily cut off when the desired height is reached. This does not harm the plants, but even promotes the growth of the side shoots and the fruit set.