Combat broadleaf in the lawn - How to remove the weed with success

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How to Control Weeds on Your Lawn
Video: How to Control Weeds on Your Lawn


Breitweger can quickly become a nuisance

Combat broadleaf in the lawn - How to remove the weed with success

Wherever lawns are settled in dense, nitrogen-poor soil, plantain is not far away. With its strong tap roots, the weeds in the lawn spread with vehemence and suppressed the flat-rooted, competitive Edelgräser mercilessly. With the right strategy, there are good chances to permanently remove plantain. Read here how it works.

Manually remove wide plantain - plucking alone is not enough

As the profile of Breitwegerich shows, the plant drives up to 80 cm long tap root into the ground. To remove the weeds in the long term, it is therefore not enough to pluck only the leaves and ferns. Digging with a bucket or spade leaves unsightly holes in the lawn. Better, you use a weed cutter for effective weeding. That is how it goes:

By the way, the palm-sized leaves are far too good for disposal on the compost. Since the foliage of Plantago major is edible, prepare a crisp salad from the tender leaves.

How to remove Broad walker with mechanical support

If the weed has already spread extensively in the lawn, the weed cutter proves to be ineffective. Instead, an intensive turf cure fixes the problem. To do this, mow the grass as short as possible to scarify it in the longitudinal and transverse directions. Subsequent fertilization with a special conditioner completes the care program.

If a pH test shows below 5.5, it's good for broad-leaved and bad for your lawn. With the help of lime you bring the acidity value back into balance, so that the noble grasses gain the upper hand over the weeds.


Regular lawn mowing has a preventive effect against widespread plantain in the lawn. The weeds do not get a chance to spread through seeds. In the course of this, the lawn must not be mowed too short. With a perfect cutting height of 4 to 5 mm, the weeds are in the permanent shade of the lawn grasses and are inadequate for the supply of light.