Bougainvillea multiply - by cuttings

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Propagate Bougainvillea from Cuttings
Video: How to Propagate Bougainvillea from Cuttings


The Bougainvillea is easy to propagate over cuttings

Bougainvillea multiply - by cuttings

The propagation of cuttings is a common method in many potted plants. Bougainvilleas can also be duplicated in this way. It is not easy - but we will explain how you can succeed.

The procedure of the Stecklingssetzung

In principle, the propagation of cuttings in bougainvillea works like in other crops: a shoot is cut and placed in a seed pot for rooting. However, this does not work so easily with Bougainvillea. Above all, your cuttings need a lot of ground heat - and that for a long time. An appropriate equipment is needed and some stamina.

Basic Principle of Bougainvillea Crop Propagation:

Step 1: Cut and set the cutting

For the cutting you choose between the beginning of spring and mid-summer a mature, but not lignified shoot of about 30 cm in length. Put this in a pot or a nursery bed, which provides increased soil heat. For rooting, the bougainvillea needs about 30 to 35 ° C. Underfloor heating is therefore virtually indispensable.


To induce rooting, a hormonal rooting powder is also very helpful. Just add it to the substrate.

Create microclimate

A warm, humid microclimate is also beneficial for its development - so ideally place it in a mini greenhouse. If you do not have one, you can simply cover it with a foil instead.

Step 2: Keep damp and warm - and wait

For the rooting you need to bring a lot of patience - it can take several months. In time, you have to maintain the warm and protected climate continuously - so it's time to stay tuned.

Step 3: Harden and transplant

If the rooting finally succeeded, you should prepare the cutting immediately for an independent life. That means gradually hardening it. Start exposing it to stronger light and shadow fluctuations and larger temperature differences. But do not go too rabid, but gradually increase the new challenges. If you feel that the cuttings have become strong enough, plant them into their own pot. Here he can continue to prosper magnificently.