Are bougainvillea poisonous? The check

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Why our Multicolored Grafted Bougainvillea Died?//Unsuccessful multicolor grafted Bougainvillea.
Video: Why our Multicolored Grafted Bougainvillea Died?//Unsuccessful multicolor grafted Bougainvillea.


Bougainvillea is no danger to children

Are bougainvillea poisonous? The check

Especially as new parents or pet owners, the toxicity of plants for hobby gardeners is an essential issue. In case of doubt, one then rather dispenses with garden beautifying growth. Whether this must be at the Bougainvillea, we clarify below.

Is the flower wonder Bougainvillea child and pet friendly?

Especially hobby gardeners with a fondness for colorful seas of flowers should sooner or later succumb to the bougainvillea - if curious, ingenious roommates are part of the household, one wonders, of course, whether they could be dangerous to them. After all, one never knows exactly when it comes to a thorny climbing plant originating from the South American subtropics ... in addition, many other plants with beguilingly beautiful blossoms are also known for deceiving over treacherous gnosis.

All clear about toxicity

But first of all, no, bougainvilleas are not poisonous, neither to humans nor to animals. None of their plant parts, neither the leaves nor the flowers, the root or the seeds contain any toxins.There is no need to worry about young dogs or toddlers who are always eager to explore interesting objects with their mouths. The rank beauty for human and animal juniors as well as sensitive adults is not quite harmless either.

So there is no danger of poisoning.

Other cooking skills of bougainvillea

After all, the bougainvillea harbors a literal scratchiness: And these are their thorns. Of course, they can pose a risk of injury especially for infants. Especially in connection with the long tendrils, in which it can be easily tangled. If necessary, a certain risk of strangulation must also be expected here. Even skin-sensitive people, such as those with a tendency to neurodermatitis, can easily catch irritation by scratching the thorns. But that is not dangerous.

Caution is therefore quite necessary