Colorful leaves has bow hemp only in a bright location

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
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Video: THRIPS In Gardening - How To Identify,Prevent and Exterminate Them


Bow hemp should be as bright as possible

Colorful leaves has bow hemp only in a bright location

The exotic-looking and often imposing bow hemp (Sansevieria) comes from the warm and arid regions of South Africa. However, the plant is not only widespread there, but also found on the Arabian Peninsula and in many parts of Asia. In our latitudes, the plant thrives primarily as a houseplant, in southern Europe (especially in the Mediterranean), it can also be planted in the garden.

Bow hemp prefers sun, heat and high humidity

Sansevieria does not necessarily need a full sun - on the contrary, because this may result in the absence of familiarization and severe leaf burns - but it should be as light as possible to partially shaded. In particular, the cultural forms with the "colorful" (ergo marbled or variegated leaves) need the light, because the drawings form only with sufficient brightness. Otherwise, the plant can also be easily in darker to more shady corners - bow hemp is little picky in this regard. Another advantage would be a lot of heat and high humidity, which is why a cookie on the windowsill in the bright daylight is best suited.


In summer you can also put bow hemp on the balcony or terrace. But first, get it into the sun slowly!