Put garlic - practical tips on timing and technology

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 7 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How to Grow Lots of Garlic | Complete Guide from Planting to Harvest
Video: How to Grow Lots of Garlic | Complete Guide from Planting to Harvest


Put garlic - practical tips on timing and technology

The cultivation of garlic does not impose a strict schedule on the hobby gardener. At the same time, setting Allium sativum allows for different approaches. With our tips, gardener life becomes easier, at least on these points.

Spring or autumn? - at will

Only a few medicinal and spice plants give the gardener so much free hand when it comes to planting time. Of course, not only for this reason do you put your garlic. The advantage of the flexibility is always:

On both dates you also have the choice of putting garlic in the bed or in the planter. Consequently, nobody has to do without the spicy delicacies from their own cultivation, because an alternative always works.

Favorable location conditions

In order for the classic kitchen to complete a successful season, the modalities at the location play a key role:

Garlic is not particularly demanding on the nutrient content of the soil. Experienced Freizeitgärtner even plead for a rather meager flounder. The special garlic aroma should develop more delicate in this case.

Without prior knowledge, put garlic properly

As seedlings are garlic cloves or the purple seeds. Recommended is the purchase of fresh toes in local retailers, for quality reasons alone. Since the Brutzwiebeln do not last long, the demand is worthwhile with friendly Hobbygärtnern.

If you like, you can work previously sieved compost into the ground. For casting, place the shower head on the watering can, so that the substrate is not washed away again immediately.

Tips & Tricks

After the autumn planting a light winter protection is an advantage. Alternatively, a mulch layer of straw, leaves or pine needles protects the garlic from frost and snow. Put garlic in the planter, wrap it ideally in a warm bubble wrap and place it on wood or styrofoam.