Size of bow hemp depends on type and species

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
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Bow hemp can reach an impressive height even as a houseplant

Size of bow hemp depends on type and species

Sansevierien, also known under the common names mother-in-law, bow hemp or bayonet plant, are among the most popular houseplants. These succulent plants can grow to several decades old and, depending on the species and variety, up to 150 centimeters high. However, bow hemp grows very slowly, so that such a handsome specimen takes many years to complete.

Size is limited only by the pot

Many species of bow hemp reach heights of about 150 centimeters and dense clumps whose size is limited only by the size of the planter. In particular, the species Sansevieria trifasciata is very strong growth, their rhizomes can, if the pot is too small, the same blow. Other species, however, especially the 'Hahnii' varieties of Sansevieria trifasciata remain rather small with about 20 centimeters in growth height. A limitation of the height is not possible by cutting measures, since the leaves do not fully form again. This would require you to cut the leaves directly over the earth - the plant drives out of the rhizome again. However, before making such a move, remember that bow hemp grows very slowly and your cut-back item takes years to recover to its old size.

Use cut leaves as cuttings

You can cut cut leaves into pieces of about 10 to 15 centimeters in length and stick them as cuttings in cactus soil. However, it may take several months for new plants to grow.

The right care for a strong growth

If you feel your bow hemp grows too slowly or even not at all, check its growth conditions. The brighter the plant, the faster the growth will take place. Conversely, of course, this also applies: at rather darker locations Sansevieria grows even slower. For a healthy and vigorous growth, the plant must also be regularly poured and fertilized. Always water the plant when the substrate has dried to a depth of about one centimeter and fertilize it with a cactus fertilizer every four weeks during the growing season.


How much sun a certain sort of bow hemp needs, you can see in the leaf coloring: The brighter and more colorful the leaves, the more light needs the Sansevierie.