Plant a hedge of blood beech

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Planting a Bare-root Beech Hedge
Video: Planting a Bare-root Beech Hedge


The beech is also suitable as a hedge plant due to its fast and dense growth

Plant a hedge of blood beech

Blood beech are often pulled as a hedge, because they form a very attractive privacy in the garden because of their dark red foliage. Good pre-planning is important so that the hedge grows nicely later. What to consider when creating a blood hedge book.

Previous article Tips for planting blood beech Next article cutting blood beech - you have to pay attention!

What preparations are to be made?

First of all, it has to be considered how long the hedge should be and where exactly it should go. To get a straight hedge, draw a string along the entire length of the planned hedge hedge. Only then will the privacy screen grow later.

Inquire in advance with the community, which distance to neighboring properties is to be observed. You can not move the hedge later without damaging the trees sustainably.

Which location is ideal?

Blood beech prefers a sunny or half shady site. But they also grow well in shady places.

When is the best planting time?

You should create a blood beech hedge in autumn. The best planting time is October or November.

You can still plant container plants from the garden market at the beginning of the year.

Which plant substrate is needed?

The soil should be slightly moist. Since the blood beech grows very fast, it needs many nutrients. Waterlogging does not tolerate Buchen. Provide permeable soil or drainage.

The substrate should be slightly calcareous and have a pH between 5 and 7.5. If you are not sure, you can have the soil checked in the lab.

Which planting distance must be observed?

Blood beech grows like all beeches very fast. The planting distance should not be too low. In a hedge the gardener expects a distance of 50 centimeters. Only two to three blood books should be set per running meter.

How are the blood beets implanted?

Comply blood beech with other plants

Basically, beech can handle quite well with other plants. If you find a monochrome hedge too boring, you can easily combine the blood beech with red beech.


After planting the hedge from beech beech, a pruning is necessary, so that the trees branch quickly. For this, all shoots are cut that have not developed any side branches.