How to use blood steamer?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Blood steamer can be used as an ingredient for salad

How to use blood steamer?

The winter hardy blood steamer likes to grow in damp deciduous or floodplain forests, but can also be grown easily in the garden. He is easy to care for and quite decorative. The red veined leaves taste slightly sour and spice up some salad.

The ingredients of the blood smoker

Blutampfer contains many effective substances, some have a healing effect, others are more responsible for the side effects. Tannins are astringent, astringent call the physicians. This is very good for badly healing wounds, in large quantities it irritates the stomach. In addition, blood steamer contains a lot of vitamin C.

Oxalic acid, which is abundantly present in the flowering bloodstream, makes it difficult to ingest dietary iron and can lead to kidney damage at higher doses. Therefore you should never consume large amounts of blood steamer or use it for a long time.

Use in the kitchen

Mostly the blood steamer is used as a salad. There, the red veining of the green leaves shows its best advantage. The taste of the blood smoker is milder than that of the sorrel. You can also give Blood Steamer raw in the ready-cooked soup as a soup stock. He does not tolerate cooking very well.

Use in herbal medicine

Because of its blood-purifying effect and the high vitamin C content, Blutampfer used to be used in spring cures. Today you rarely resort to this herb. Blutampfer also has a diuretic and appetite-promoting. The astringent effect is often used in mouth inflammations.

The essentials in brief:


If you are suffering from iron deficiency or are currently undergoing iron therapy, then you better avoid using blood steamer and other oxalic foods, as this makes it difficult to take in iron from the diet.