Flowering balcony - from vertical beds to vegetable cultivation

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Source: Tchibo.de

Flowering balcony - from vertical beds to vegetable cultivation

Many Germans have a balcony. Especially in the warm season they spend many hours there and enjoy the sun. A colorful and beautiful plantation is therefore a must for many. The creativity knows no bounds and so the domestic balcony can keep up with the garden of the neighbor. With these useful tips nothing stands in the way of a summer on the balcony.

Vertical bed, hanging pots and plant bags

Vertical beds or flower stairs offer the opportunity to cultivate a variety of wonderful plants in a small space. In several shelves arranged one above the other there is room for a colorful variety of flowers. In addition, they are ideal for privacy. A further possibility of planting are trendy plant bags. Made of sturdy ilgewebe they offer a modern alternative to classic hanging pots. In addition to flowers, plant bags are well suited for your own, small herb garden or even the cultivation of potatoes. If there is a desire for more sophisticated plants, a small greenhouse is the right choice. A covered with translucent walls shelf with different ventilation options offers the hobby gardener always the ability to produce the optimal conditions for his plants. Great offers for the balcony and other tips has Tchibo, so the balcony is a real eye-catcher.

Source: Tchibo.de

Plants for the balcony

Countless plants are available for planting. However, it should be noted how much sun falls on the balcony. Some of them are excellent for south-facing balconies with plenty of sunshine, while others prefer (half) shade. Which popular plants are well-suited for each location is shown in the following table:

There is something for everyone with this colorful selection. But of course there are a few more that are wonderfully suitable. In the selection should always be considered, what should happen in the winter with the plants, because most balcony plants are not winter proof. If there is no area available for winter storage and the plants last longer than one season, it is advisable to resort to special plant species. Thus, ferns and funcienes survive even cold weather, hydrangeas and rhododendrons, if they were severely cut back, will flower again next summer. Of course, there are also many tips on how to make the plants winterproof.

The care of balcony plants

The first question that arises when planting is that of the right soil. Because in tight pots or boxes, the plants are particularly dependent on a good substrate. Therefore, it is advisable to use brand name. This provides a good absorption capacity for water and fertilizer while remaining loose and permeable. Many substrates for balcony plants already contain fertilizer, some even long-term fertilizer, which is consumed after more than a month. Thereafter, it is advisable to rework with liquid fertilizer. Depending on the manufacturer, this can be added directly to the irrigation water and should be fed to the plants every one to two weeks.

The vegetable balcony

Source: Tchibo.de

Not only can plants look great, they can also be useful. In addition to colorful flowers, it is possible to grow fresh vegetables and herbs on the balcony. Especially good are tomatoes, peppers or garden herbs such as basil and rosemary. Especially the herbs are very easy to care and exude a wonderful smell. But also special varieties of aubergines and carrots can be grown in pots. However, for the plants to thrive, they need sufficient care. In addition, the larger the vessel, the larger the yield. Too small pots can lead to disappointment. For climbing vegetables such as cucumbers or zucchini, firmly anchored tendrils are essential. Salad can be optimally grown in the vertical and vertical beds described in the upper part.

If there is enough time to care for and enjoy gardening, it is advisable to raise the plants from seeds. This is on the one hand significantly cheaper, on the other hand, garden centers often offer no special seedlings for balcony vegetables. From April, sowing can already start on a south-facing balcony, sowing on western or eastern balconies starting in May.

Creative ideas for the balcony

In order to save on the standard clay pots, fashionable containers for plants can be made from old tin cans. Painted black and provided with small holes in the floor, they are the perfect home for garden herbs of all kinds.

Not a beautiful sight often offer flower boxes made of plastic. So why not build your own from old wine boxes? With the help of belts (fixed by hot glue or nails), the box can be easily attached to any railing.