Blue cypress trees - robust and easy to care for

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Cypress Tree Leaf Identification
Video: Cypress Tree Leaf Identification


The blue cypress she just a few years old, she hardly needs care

Blue cypress trees - robust and easy to care for

The blue cypress is characterized not only by their vigor. It is robust, disease resistant and grows in a favorable location for many years. She is very easy to care for. This is how you take care of the blue cypress.

How do you water blue false cypress trees correctly?

Older Blue Mock Cypresses only need extra water when it is dry enough to dry out the root ball. The rest of the time they are adequately supplied by their branched root system.

Blue cypress trees should be occasionally watered during the first years even in winter. The evergreen plants evaporate water even in cool temperatures. Therefore, water the conifers on frost-free days.

How Much Fertilizer Do Blue Mock Cypresses Need?

It has proven useful to fertilize the fast-growing plants in spring with mature compost. In the first few years you can supply the cypress trees with cypress fertilizer every four to eight weeks.

Cover the ground under the Blue Mock Cypress trees with a mulch cover that will renew in spring and fall. This ensures the nutrient supply and prevents the soil from drying out too much.

Do you have to cut blue false cypresses?

Blue cypress trees cut once or twice a year.

Can blue false cypress be transplanted?

Within the first three to four years transplanting is possible. The best time for this is October or the spring.

Older plants should not be used because of the large root ball.

Which diseases and pests can occur?

Blue cypress trees are robust. Diseases rarely occur. Usually it is a care mistake when the plant turns brown. But also pest infestation can be responsible for it.

Are the ornamental trees hardy?

Blue cypress trees are hardy. As a rule, they do not need winter protection.

An exception are young plants that you have planted only in the fall. They should be protected from excessive frost by mulch covers and fleece during the first winter.

Blue false cypress in the pot basically need winter protection, because the earth freezes too fast here.


Blue cypress trees can easily be multiplied by themselves. Either you cut - do not cut - cuttings from the branches in the winter half-year or you sow the popular conifers.