Plant blue false cypresses - you have to pay attention

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
PG Plant Feature! False Cypress Pin Point Blue
Video: PG Plant Feature! False Cypress Pin Point Blue


The blue cypress should be planted in autumn

Plant blue false cypresses - you have to pay attention

The blue cypress with its bluish colored needles at the bottom is very popular as a hedge or decorative single plant because of their fast growing. If you plant the evergreen conifers properly, you will enjoy them for many years. You have to pay attention to this when planting.

Choose the sunny spot possible

The blue cypress likes it as sunny as possible. In partially shaded or even shady places it does not grow so fast.

The place should not be too windy too. Protect young plants from too much drafts.

The right soil substrate

A humorous, nutritious soil ensures that the blue cypress grows quickly. He should not be too clayey.

In any case, the soil must be permeable. Stagnant water does not tolerate the blue cypress. It turns brown and fungus diseases are much easier to spread.

The best time to plant blue blight cypresses

Autumn is the best season for planting blue blight cypresses. Then the conifers have enough time to root in until the winter.

You can also plant blue cypresses that you buy in the pot in spring.

If you plant Blue Mock Cypress trees in the fall, the young plants need a light winter protection in the first winter. A mulch cover is well suited for this.

This is how you plant the blue cypress

Blue cypress trees are flat-rooters. So the planting hole does not have to be very deep, but rather a bit wider.

Maintain a planting distance of at least 30 to 50 centimeters. Single blue cypress trees should have a space of about three square meters.

The distance from house walls should be at least two meters. Do not plant the poisonous, evergreen shrubs too close to roads. You also need to leave enough space for grazing so that grazing animals can not poison themselves.


Blue cypress trees differ only slightly from the tree of life Thuja outwardly. The fragrance of the needles can tell the difference. False cypresses smell of lemon, while Thuja spreads a slight smell of cloves.