Does the mountain palm tree form a blossom as a houseplant?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Tips for Indoor Palm Care | Donna Joshi
Video: 5 Tips for Indoor Palm Care | Donna Joshi


The mountain palm can also bloom as a houseplant

Does the mountain palm tree form a blossom as a houseplant?

Many palm species do not develop flowers when grown as pure houseplants. The mountain palm is different. She gets after a few years as a pure houseplant her first flower. With a little luck you can even harvest seeds.

Does the mountain palm blossom as a houseplant?

At a favorable location and with appropriate care, the first flowers of the mountain palm appear after only two to three years.

In order for seeds to develop from the flower, through which you can multiply the plant, you need several mountain palms. Only then is it relatively certain that you care for male and female plants.

To get germinable seeds, brush over each flower several times with a brush to fertilize them.


The mountain palm forms at first successful green fertilization green seeds. They turn black after a while and then fall off. The seed has a very hard shell and must be watered before sowing.