What to look for when planting barberries?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 6 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
All About Japanese Barberries
Video: All About Japanese Barberries


Barberries can be planted at any frosty season

What to look for when planting barberries?

Have you discovered the manifold benefits of barberry for your garden design? Then plant the magnificent ornamental shrubs professionally so that they show their best side. This guide answers all important questions about the location, planting time and planting of sourthorn.

Which location would a barberry want?

In sunny to partially shaded areas barberry shine in all its splendor. Only in full shade do we grow acorn bushes into a growth depression. Evergreen Berberis species want an absonnigen location so that their glossy-green foliage dress is not corrupted by sunburn. Furthermore, the ornamental shrubs thrive excellently in normal garden soil and commercial potting soil.

When is the best planting time for Sauerdorn?

In tree nurseries and garden centers, young shrubs can be purchased in containers. This has the advantage that you can plant barberry in any season, unless the soil is frozen. In order to give the decorative shrubs a perfect start to plant life, we recommend spring as the best planting time for evergreen species. For root-bare and deciduous sourthorn shrubs, the time window for planting in autumn opens.

Plant barberry - how are you?

In the first step of an exemplary planting you rake the soil well on site, weeding the weeds and removing old roots. Before that, please put the potted root bales in a bucket of water until no more air bubbles bubble up. These steps continue:

Please adjust the planting distance to the type and variety. The majestic wild Berberis vulgaris should be placed at a distance of 100 centimeters, whereas dwarf barberry (Berberis thunbergii) should be arranged in row or group plants at intervals of 30 to 50 centimeters. In order for the blood-berries, Atropurpurea 'to quickly form a view-tight hedge, a planting distance of 40 to 50 centimeters has proven to be a good idea.


The up to 4 centimeters long, powerful thorns harbor considerable risk of injury when planting and caring for barberries. Please wear surgical gloves with long gauntlets and goggles if you are going to use a sourthorn.