Is there an alternative bedding border to the box tree?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Lumber Dealers Hate This Raised Garden Bed Hack!
Video: Lumber Dealers Hate This Raised Garden Bed Hack!


Thuja are also ideal for bedding

Is there an alternative bedding border to the box tree?

The bedding border with boxwood is already traditional. You may know this from old monastery or manor gardens. Less well known are certainly various green or other alternatives, because not always an evergreen edging of boxwood must exist.

Especially in gardens where some boxwood trees have fallen prey to the Buchbaumzünsler, should be considered an alternative to the popular boxwood.However, this does not necessarily have to be a wooden or stone bed frame.

Unlike a concrete bed surround, you can change a plant bedding at any time without too much effort. It looks less massive and blends harmoniously into your garden with a good plant selection. You have the choice between evergreen and deciduous plants, but also various herbs are suitable for this purpose.

Beeteinfassung with evergreen plants

The advantage of a bedding border with evergreen plants is of course their foliage, which adorns your garden even in winter. Thuja, ilex, barberry or cherry laurel may be considered as bedding editions. However, these borders are not necessarily the lowest. Therefore, they are especially suitable for slightly larger beds.

A bed of evergreen plants can usually be cut well into shape, which is also important for a harmonious appearance. You should therefore make a regular pruning. Do not put the individual plants too far apart so that a dense hedge can grow relatively quickly. For loosening perhaps one or the other flowering plant in the middle of the hedge serves.

Evergreen plants as bedding border:

Beeteinfassung from herbs

Although not all year round green, but still very decorative and also useful Beeteinfassungen from herbs. When trimming this edging, use the clippings to prepare spicy foods or dry them for later times.

Possible herbs as bedding border:


So that your garden does not seem too restless, you should not use too many different kinds of plants as Bedeteinfassung. A little variety is not wrong.