Plan a cottage garden

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 3 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tips for Planting a Cottage Garden! 🌸🌿// Garden Answer
Video: Tips for Planting a Cottage Garden! 🌸🌿// Garden Answer


In the cottage garden, flowers and vegetables grow side by side

Plan a cottage garden

A farm garden should be well planned: from the arrangement of the beds and paths on the plant selection to the limitation. Below you will find ideas and tips for pase vegetable and fruit varieties as well as instructions for the step-by-step planning of your cottage garden.

Next article The most beautiful 20 flowers for the farmers garden

Farmhouse garden plan

The most important thing when creating a cottage garden is the planning. This is best done on a piece of paper, the bigger the better.

Fruits and vegetables in the farm garden

Fruits and vegetables are part of the cottage garden as well as colorful flowerbeds. If you plan the farm garden well, you can harvest all year round. Here is a brief overview of the most popular fruits and vegetables and their sowing and harvest time.




The complete harvesting and sowing calendar can be found here.
When creating your vegetable beds, be sure to observe the crop rotation. Starch eaters may only be planted in one place every four years and certain vegetables should not be planted in the same place, e.g. Kohl. Tomatoes, on the other hand, always thrive in the same place.

Colorful flowers in the farmer garden

It should be colorful in the farmer's garden. But also the sowing of the garden garden flowers you should plan something. Plant lower plants on the back and higher on the back. Here you will find information on the height of growth of the most beautiful cottage garden flowers. You save a lot of work when you plant perennials. We have compiled a selection of the most beautiful garden shrubs for you here.


Restrict your cottage garden with a self-made fence. You can find instructions for self-construction here.