Better buy the purchased basil - that's how it works

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Better buy the purchased basil - that's how it works - Garden
Better buy the purchased basil - that's how it works - Garden


Better buy the purchased basil - that's how it works

It's so devastating - barely bought, the basil enters within a week. The causes were puzzled for a long time. Find out where the crux is buried and how the problem can be solved by repotting it.

That is why basil from the supermarket only has a short time

What even savvy professionals frowned upon, has finally been clarified. The juicy-green appearance of basil in the supermarket is more illusion than being. In fact, Royal Herb on the store shelf is already so stressed that it is in last legs. The causes at a glance:

The always simmering suspicion of intentionally polluted or inferior soil in the context of production is thus out of the world. In truth, you are holding a completely depleted basil in your hands. This fact in turn gives hope to save the queen's herb at home with a few simple steps. The solution is: pimp through repotting.

Make one out of three - so it is possible by repotting

The negative influences on purchased basil are even more intensified by the much too narrow planting in the pot. This leads to an all-consuming competition for water, nutrients and light. To help Kingfisher produce a tasty harvest for more than a week, proceed as follows:

Scientific experiments have shown that in a 30 cm bucket not more than 5-10 shoots of a common kraut should be cultivated. In this case, vital, rich green herb plants develop within a few days. The optimal care is about weekly fertilization and regular watering once the soil has dried.

Tips & Tricks

Basil not only gives Mediterranean dishes the finishing touch. The versatile herbal plant also relieves itchy insect bites without any chemicals. For this, freshly harvested basil leaves are crushed and rubbed on the skin.